Call for Abstract

6th Annual Conference on Hematologists, will be organized around the theme “”

HEMATOLOGISTS-CS-2023 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in HEMATOLOGISTS-CS-2023

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.

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Transfusion medicine is a branch of medicine that regulates all the strands of the transfusions of blood and blood components. It involves complications of immunohematology, blood donation, and additional laboratory testing for transfusion diseases, management and observing of clinical transfusion practices, cellular therapy, patient blood management, stem cell collections and coagulation. Apheresis is a process of separation which includes extraction of blood components such as platelets plasma from whole blood. The blood donor centre gather components of blood from separated blood donors. Then these components are carried to a central location for organising processes such as division, testing and redistribution. The testing results governing type of blood and infectious diseases testing. Whole blood is divided into red blood cells, plasma and platelets. Plasma can be additionally divided into components such as albumin, immunoglobulin and clotting factor. Blood transfusion is a lifesaving medical therapy. Transfusion of blood should be ordered, safe and appropriate.
  • Track 1-1Blood recipients and donors
  • Track 1-2Eligibility screening

All aspects of pediatric hematology and oncology are referred to as pediatric hematology. It focuses on pathology, immunology, and pharmacology in the context of pediatric cancer and hematological illnesses. Hematologists are doctors who specialise in hematological illnesses. Hematologists at certain hospitals are also in charge of the laboratory. Hematology laboratories are managed and managed by pathologists who specialise in the diagnosis of hematological diseases, known as hematopathologists

  • Track 2-1Clinical Hematology and Hematopathology
  • Track 2-2Experimental Hematology and Ethical Issues
Hematology, sometimes known as oncology, is a branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of illnesses of the blood. Oncology is the study of cancer. Cancer is defined as unregulated cell proliferation and invasion of other tissues. Because of mutations in their DNA or the accumulation of abnormalities, cells can become malignant. Anemia persists in cancer patients and its incidence rises while the patient undergoes chemotherapy. Cancer induces the production of inflammatory cytokines, which stop erythropoiesis and erythropoietin (EPO) synthesis. Because EPO decreases plasma volume and activates the production of inflammatory cytokines separately of enhancing erythropoiesis, increased erythropoiesis stimulating medicines dose may also effect poor survivals
  • Track 3-1Anemia
  • Track 3-2Cancer metastasis
Patients with hematological diseases and cancer are treated by a hematology nurse. Hematology nursing is comparable to oncology nursing, and hematology nurses work with doctors, hematologists, and other nurses. Third-level knowledge and specific abilities are required in this speciality. Regardless of whether a hematology nurse focuses on adults or children, many will be dealing with incurable or life-threatening disorders such as hemophilia, sickle cell anemia, leukaemia, and lymphoma.
  • Track 4-1Research patient treatments
  • Track 4-2Prescribe medication
A physician will undertake a physical exam, examine family medical history, conduct a review of individual and family medical history, and perform blood tests, biopsy, and bone marrow aspiration if anemia is not obvious. Depending on the specific diagnosis, treatment may include chemotherapy to destroy abnormal cells, immunotherapy to control the immune system's ability to fight disease, transfusions to replace disease-causing blood cells, gene therapy to replace a disease-causing gene, and blood-component therapies for bleeding disorders like hemophilia.
  • Track 5-1Bleeding and clotting disorders
  • Track 5-2Anticoagulation
Advances in hematopoietic stem cell immunology and histocompatibility have an impact on HSC transplantation breakthroughs. Immunotherapy is an important part of the HSC transplant process. In a number of ways, HSC transplantation is connected to cancer immunotherapy. Hematologists who investigate HSCs have become pioneers in the field of induced pluripotent stem cells, which is still in its infancy (iPS). Using the iPS cell fields' reprogramming principles, T cells are now being reprogrammed to generate memory stem cells. Hematology, cancer, stem cell biology, and immunology have all been merged to change the definition of a hematologist.
  • Track 6-1Allogeneic stem cell transplant
  • Track 6-2Blood forming stem cell transplant
A blood transfusion is a frequent medical operation in which donated blood is injected into a vein and administered to the recipient. It is a life-saving technique that assists in the restoration of blood loss caused by surgery or injury. These frequently happen in the absence of any barriers. When issues do occur, they are usually minor. A thrombus is the end result of the blood coagulation process, which is also known as a blood clot. The two components of thrombus are red blood cells and aggregated platelets, which combine to produce a cross-linked fibrin protein. The creation of a blood clot within a blood vessel is known as thrombosis. It prevents blood from flowing freely through the circulatory system. Hemostasis is a clotting-control mechanism. The first stage of wound healing is referred to as this.
  • Track 7-1Acute & delayed transfusion reactions
  • Track 7-2Noninfectious serious hazards of transfusion
The procedure of bringing new therapeutic medicines for the treatment of damage into the commercial centre is a time-consuming and expensive one. When everything is said and done, the most recent techniques for tranquillize disclosure are selected. Medication repurposing asserts the ability to quickly introduce fresh restorative strategies into clinical trials with minimal effort. By employing their known toxicological, pharmacology, and pharmacokinetics, identified on-patent or off-patent drugs with undiscovered anticancer movement can be quickly first in class into clinical testing for this unique indicator. Pedantic assembling can take a look at the medicine confession sector in this way, and smaller biotechnology companies can "de-risk" early-stage placid declaration projects. Some inferential techniques for identifying sedate repurposing opportunities are highlighted in this article, with a focus on hematopoietic malignancies.
  • Track 8-1Ruxolitinib
  • Track 8-2Acalabrutinib
Another crucial role of case reports is to produce study hypotheses and evolving the mechanisms of disease. Accordingly it is important to present case reports in conferences of Hematologists. Hodgkin’s lymphoma and Non- Hodgkin’s lymphoma consist of less than 30 various entities of diseases with morphology, clinical behaviour, genetics profile and also immunological profile. Because of repeated changes in systems of lymphoma classifications, it became difficult to study their epidemiology. At the year of 2005 nearly 120000 Europeans were treated with lymphoma, in them minimum three to four are with Non- Hodgkin’s lymphoma and rest are with Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
  • Track 9-1Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
  • Track 9-2Acute myeloid leukemia
The entire market for the hematological pharmaceuticals in peak point as it is as frequent as applicable anticipate to be upgraded over two or three decades. According to all over the market master, curing of hematological disorders and definite market is relayed upon to construct at the rate of 8.5% from 2015-2022. The most recent drugs to invade the hematology market are recombinant erythropoietin products G-CSF and granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor at the year of 1989. These have recognized the treatment of cancer and other serious diseases like AIDS. Recombinant drugs are currently influence the blood cell stimulant sector, and are a foremost area for pharmaceutical companies.
  • Track 10-1Hematology practice and Case Reports
  • Track 10-2Scope of Animal Hematology and Its Importance

Hematologic diseases are defined as changes in the immune system, blood cells, or proteins that affect blood clotting. Laboratory testing to diagnose blood problems normally begin with a simple blood draw from a vein using a needle and syringe. Further analysis may require investigation of the bone marrow, which is where blood cells form. The complete blood count (CBC) is the most frequent blood test, which examines all cellular components such as red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Anemia is a condition in which the blood has a low amount of red blood cells. Pale complexion, shortness of breath with exercise, and exhaustion are all symptoms of severe anemia.

  • Track 11-1Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
  • Track 11-2Acute myeloid leukemia
Blood is a national resource that is obtained via voluntary public donations and processed into medications in order to improve the health of that same population. Blood is a unique biological in that the "raw material" is the blood donor, and the donor's health is closely tied to the health of the recipient. Medicines are classified as essential in the List of Essential Medicines (EML) based on their safety and efficacy, availability, convenience of use in different contexts, comparative cost-effectiveness, and public health Blood Products. Blood products are made up of blood and blood components produced as single-donor outcomes for direct transfusion, such as red blood cells, platelets, and plasma, as well as a variety of plasma-derived pharmaceutical products.
  • Track 12-1Plasma
  • Track 12-2Heparin & Warfarin
The availability of the science of hematology, which developed microscopy for exhibiting blood cell morphology, made pediatric hematology a specialisation possible. It was necessary to illustrate the usual blood values of infancy and childhood before pediatric blood disorders could be explained. Many of the early research focused on the specific characteristics of neonatal blood. Following the confirmation of standard values, specific blood diseases and hematologic problems in children began to be documented in Europe and the United States. Pediatric hematology oncology is a broad and multidisciplinary field that encompasses abnormalities of established precursors in the bone marrow and their blood components, as well as coagulation and fibrinolytic systems in the plasma.
  • Track 13-1Hemophoitic system
  • Track 13-2Pluripotent stem cells
Immunology is a branch of biological and medical sciences deals with the study of immune system. Malfunctioning of immune system causes diseases like cancer, autoimmunity and allergy. Innate and adaptive immunity are the two crucial lines of immune system. Over the past decades there have been various advances in present forbearing of the immune system and how it performing to secure the body from infection. T cells signify a unique antigen binding receptor on T cell receptor membrane and activate the antigen presenting cells to recognise a specific antigen. B cells can identify free antigen without antigen presenting cells. The main aim of B cells is the antibodies production against foreign antigens.
  • Track 14-1Immunoglobulins
  • Track 14-2Full blood count and ESR
The diagnosis of blood disorders depends on the person's symptoms and physical examination results. If suspected disease is related to blood a complete blood count and other tests have to be done to identify the specific diagnosis. A bleeding disorder is a state which involves the effect of blood coagulation. To diagnose the bleeding disorder physician will ask the patient's symptoms and medical history. The physical examination will also perform to the patient. The crucial and proper diagnosis involves blood tests. Complete blood count test estimates the amount of RBC and WBC in the whole body as well as platelet aggregation test measures the clumping of platelets. Bleeding time test estimates the immediate clotting of blood to prevent bleeding. Severe anemia includes cardiac murmur, koilonychias, tachycardia, conjunctival pallor. Immoderate bleeding, bruising after minor dental procedures, menorrhagia leads to platelet disorders. Hematothrosis can be noticed in coagulation factor defects. In the case of liver failure, Hepatomegaly can happen. Examination of mucous membranes and nails may lead to anemic condition and examination of lymph nodes leads to lymphoma or leukaemia.
  • Track 15-1Complete Blood count test
  • Track 15-2Clotting tests
  • Track 15-3CT &MRI scans
The global hematology reagents and analysers market is awaited to get to USD 9.6 billion by 2023 from USD 6.7 billion in 2018. The development in blood donation and the enhancing prevalence of blood disorders are the prime factors operating the extension of the global hematology analysers and reagents market. Additional factors such as technological advancements and inclusion of flow cytometry techniques with hematology analysers are awaited to assist the growth of market throughout the forecast period. Based on price range, the hematology instruments market is categorized into high-end, mid-range, and low-end. Hematology analysers are used to count and identify blood cells to diagnose and monitor various blood disorders. Hematology analysers will enhance with the increasing blood-related disorders such as autoimmune disorders, anemia, haemophilia, lymphoma, and blood cancers.
  • Track 16-1Iron deficiency anemia
  • Track 16-2Other anemias
Blood cancer means a huge group of incompatible malignancies. This group involves bone marrow cancers, blood cancers, and lymphatic system and lymphoid tissue cancers. Leukemia and myeloma refers to the bone marrow cancers, lymphoma refers to the lymphatic system. These are the most common types of blood cancer. Causes of these cancers are unknown. Leukemia and myeloma can interfere with the ability of bone marrow to generate blood cells, including WBC, RBC, and platelets. This can cause persistent infections and anemia. Enlargement of the lymph nodes are referred as lymphomas, can also fight against infections in the body. As well as, myelomas produce a substance which causes bones weakness, and generate abnormal proteins which can cause symptoms in other parts of the body. Treatment of blood cancers has undertaken considerable improvements. When there is no sign of cancer remission will occur. Today in the United States, Almost one million people in US are surviving with blood cancer. People with blood cancer can have complications with serious infections and bleeding. Most common cause of cancer is heavy use of Tobacco and it can cause 22% of cancer deaths. Lack of physical activity, poor diet, obesity these all are the factors of cancer.
  • Track 17-1Carcinoma
  • Track 17-2Sarcoma
  • Track 17-3Mixed mesodermal tumour
Propelling novel therapeutic agents for the treatment of harm into the commercial center is an adamantly precious and extensive process. All things contemplated, latest methodologies for tranquilize disclosure are preferred. Medication repurposing declares to a chance to rapidly precede novel restorative techniques into clinical preliminaries at a comparatively slightest effort. Recognized on-patent or off-patent medications with unrecognized anticancer movement can be rapidly foremost in class into clinical testing for this novel sign by utilizing their recognized toxicology, pharmacology, and pharmacokinetics. By using this manner, pedantic assembling can take a scrutiny in the medication confession field and littler biotechnology organizations can "de-hazard" starting period placid declaration ventures. Here, some inferential methodologies used to identify sedate repurposing openings are featured, with an emphasis on hematologic malignancies.
  • Track 18-1Ruxolitinib
  • Track 18-2Acalabrutinib